

Decorate arbitrary functions to behave like NodeStat objects.


func (callable) – Function or callable with signature func(net, bunch), where net is the network and bunch is an iterable of nodes in net. The call func(net, bunch) must return a dict with pairs of the form (node: value) where node is in bunch and value is the value of the statistic at node.


The decorated callable unmodified, after registering it in the stats framework.

Return type:


See also



The user must make sure that func is such that, if res is defined as res = func(net, bunch), then res has keys in the same order as they are found in bunch. Since python dicts preserve order, it is enough for func to create the returned dict by iterating over bunch.


>>> import xgi
>>> H = xgi.Hypergraph([[1, 2], [3, 4], [4, 5, 6]])

The following function defines a node-integer mapping.

>>> def my_degree(net, bunch):
...     return {n: 10 * net.degree(n) for n in bunch}

Node statistics can be called from the network or from the NodeView.

>>> H.degree()
{1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 2, 5: 1, 6: 1}
>>> H.nodes.degree

However, my_degree is not recognized as a node statistic.

>>> H.my_degree() 
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> H.nodes.my_degree 
Traceback (most recent call last):

Use the nodestat_func decorator to turn my_degree into a valid stat.

>>> original_my_degree = my_degree
>>> my_degree = xgi.nodestat_func(my_degree)
>>> H.my_degree()
{1: 10, 2: 10, 3: 10, 4: 20, 5: 10, 6: 10}
>>> H.nodes.my_degree

Now the entirety of the interface of stat objects is available.

>>> H.nodes.filterby('my_degree', 20)
>>> H.nodes.multi(['degree', 'my_degree']).aspandas()
   degree  my_degree
1       1         10
2       1         10
3       1         10
4       2         20
5       1         10
6       1         10

Note the passed function is left unmodified.

>>> my_degree is original_my_degree

The previous usage of nodestat is made for explanatory purposes. A more typical use of nodestat is the following.

>>> @xgi.nodestat_func
... def my_degree(net, bunch):
...     return {n: 10 * net.degree(n) for n in bunch}