Source code for xgi.convert.incidence

"""Methods for converting to and from an incidence matrix."""

from scipy.sparse import coo_array

from ..exception import XGIError
from ..generators import empty_hypergraph
from ..linalg import incidence_matrix

__all__ = ["from_incidence_matrix", "to_incidence_matrix"]

[docs]def from_incidence_matrix(d, create_using=None, nodelabels=None, edgelabels=None): """Create a hypergraph from an incidence matrix Parameters ---------- d : numpy array or a scipy sparse arrary The incidence matrix where rows specify nodes and columns specify edges. create_using : Hypergraph constructor, optional The hypergraph object to add the data to, by default None nodelabels : list or 1D numpy array, optional The ordered list of node IDs to map the indices of the incidence matrix to, by default None edgelabels : list or 1D numpy array, optional The ordered list of edge IDs to map the indices of the incidence matrix to, by default None Returns ------- Hypergraph object The constructed hypergraph Raises ------ XGIError Raises an error if the specified labels are the wrong dimensions See Also -------- ~xgi.linalg.hypergraph_matrix.incidence_matrix to_incidence_matrix """ I = coo_array(d) n, m = I.shape if nodelabels is None: nodedict = dict(zip(range(n), range(n))) elif nodelabels is not None and len(nodelabels) != n: raise XGIError("Node dictionary is the wrong size.") else: nodedict = dict(zip(range(n), nodelabels)) if edgelabels is None: edgedict = dict(zip(range(m), range(m))) elif edgelabels is not None and len(edgelabels) != m: raise XGIError("Edge dictionary is the wrong size.") else: edgedict = dict(zip(range(m), edgelabels)) H = empty_hypergraph(create_using) for node, edge in zip(I.row, I.col): node = nodedict[node] edge = edgedict[edge] H.add_node_to_edge(edge, node) return H
[docs]def to_incidence_matrix(H, sparse=True, index=False): """Convert a hypergraph to an incidence matrix. Parameters ---------- H : Hypergraph object The hypergraph of interest sparse : bool, optional Whether the constructed incidence matrix should be sparse, by default True index : bool, optional Whether to return the corresponding node and edge labels, by default False Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scipy csr_array The incidence matrix dict The dictionary mapping indices to node IDs, if index is True dict The dictionary mapping indices to edge IDs, if index is True See Also -------- ~xgi.linalg.hypergraph_matrix.incidence_matrix from_incidence_matrix """ return incidence_matrix(H, sparse=sparse, index=index)