Source code for xgi.convert.incidence
"""Methods for converting to and from an incidence matrix."""
from scipy.sparse import coo_array
from ..exception import XGIError
from ..generators import empty_hypergraph
from ..linalg import incidence_matrix
__all__ = ["from_incidence_matrix", "to_incidence_matrix"]
[docs]def from_incidence_matrix(d, create_using=None, nodelabels=None, edgelabels=None):
"""Create a hypergraph from an incidence matrix
d : numpy array or a scipy sparse arrary
The incidence matrix where rows specify nodes and columns specify edges.
create_using : Hypergraph constructor, optional
The hypergraph object to add the data to, by default None
nodelabels : list or 1D numpy array, optional
The ordered list of node IDs to map the indices
of the incidence matrix to, by default None
edgelabels : list or 1D numpy array, optional
The ordered list of edge IDs to map the indices
of the incidence matrix to, by default None
Hypergraph object
The constructed hypergraph
Raises an error if the specified labels are the wrong dimensions
See Also
I = coo_array(d)
n, m = I.shape
if nodelabels is None:
nodedict = dict(zip(range(n), range(n)))
elif nodelabels is not None and len(nodelabels) != n:
raise XGIError("Node dictionary is the wrong size.")
nodedict = dict(zip(range(n), nodelabels))
if edgelabels is None:
edgedict = dict(zip(range(m), range(m)))
elif edgelabels is not None and len(edgelabels) != m:
raise XGIError("Edge dictionary is the wrong size.")
edgedict = dict(zip(range(m), edgelabels))
H = empty_hypergraph(create_using)
for node, edge in zip(I.row, I.col):
node = nodedict[node]
edge = edgedict[edge]
H.add_node_to_edge(edge, node)
return H
[docs]def to_incidence_matrix(H, sparse=True, index=False):
"""Convert a hypergraph to an incidence matrix.
H : Hypergraph object
The hypergraph of interest
sparse : bool, optional
Whether the constructed incidence matrix
should be sparse, by default True
index : bool, optional
Whether to return the corresponding
node and edge labels, by default False
numpy.ndarray or scipy csr_array
The incidence matrix
The dictionary mapping indices to node IDs, if index is True
The dictionary mapping indices to edge IDs, if index is True
See Also
return incidence_matrix(H, sparse=sparse, index=index)