Source code for xgi.readwrite.bigg_data

"""Load a metabolic network from the BiGG models database."""

from warnings import warn

from ..utils import request_json_from_url, request_json_from_url_cached

__all__ = ["load_bigg_data"]

[docs]def load_bigg_data( dataset=None, cache=True, ): """Load a metabolic network from the BiGG models database. The Biochemical, Genetic and Genomic (BiGG) knowledge base is hosted at It contains metabolic reaction networks at the genome scale. We represent metabolites as nodes and metabolic reactions as directed edges where reactants are the tail of the directed edge and the products are the head of the directed edge. Parameters ---------- dataset : str, default: None Dataset name. Valid options are the "bigg_id" tags in If None, prints the list of available datasets. cache : bool, optional Whether to cache the input data Returns ------- DiHypergraph The loaded dihypergraph. Raises ------ XGIError The specified dataset does not exist. References ---------- Zachary A. King, Justin Lu, Andreas Dräger, Philip Miller, Stephen Federowicz, Joshua A. Lerman, Ali Ebrahim, Bernhard O. Palsson, Nathan E. Lewis Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 44, Issue D1, 4 January 2016, Pages D515–D522, """ index_url = "" base_url = "" index_data = request_json_from_url(index_url) # If no dataset is specified, print a list of the available datasets. if dataset is None: ids = [] for entry in index_data["results"]: ids.append(entry["bigg_id"]) print("Available datasets are the following:") print(*ids, sep="\n") return if cache: model_data = request_json_from_url_cached(base_url + dataset + ".json") else: model_data = request_json_from_url(base_url + dataset + ".json") return _bigg_to_dihypergraph(index_data, model_data)
def _bigg_to_dihypergraph(d_index, d_model): """Convert a BIGG-formatted dict to dihypergraph. Parameters ---------- d : dict A BIGG-formatted dict Returns ------- DiHypergraph The dihypergraph from the selected BIGG model. Notes ----- The code for parsing a metabolic reaction is rewritten from a function by @pietrotraversa. We use the `lower_bound` and `upper_bound` variables to determine whether a reaction is a forward, reverse, or reversible reaction. """ from .. import DiHypergraph DH = DiHypergraph() idx = d_model["id"] DH["name"] = idx info = next((item for item in d_index["results"] if item["bigg_id"] == idx), None) DH["organism"] = info["organism"] for m in d_model["metabolites"]: DH.add_node(m["id"], name=m["name"]) for r in d_model["reactions"]: l = r["lower_bound"] u = r["upper_bound"] reactants = set() products = set() # forward direction if l >= 0 and u > 0: for m, val in r["metabolites"].items(): if val > 0: products.add(m) elif val <= 0: reactants.add(m) if not reactants and not products: warn(f"{r['id']} is an empty reaction!") continue DH.add_edge((reactants, products), idx=r["id"], name=r["name"]) # reverse direction if l < 0 and u <= 0: for m, val in r["metabolites"].items(): if val >= 0: reactants.add(m) elif val < 0: products.add(m) if not reactants and not products: warn(f"{r['id']} is an empty reaction!") continue DH.add_edge((reactants, products), idx=r["id"], name=r["name"]) # reversible if l < 0 and u > 0: for m, val in r["metabolites"].items(): if val > 0: products.add(m) elif val < 0: reactants.add(m) if not reactants and not products: warn(f"{r['id']} is an empty reaction!") continue # add forward reaction DH.add_edge((reactants, products), idx=r["id"], name=r["name"]) # add reverse reaction DH.add_edge( (products, reactants), idx=str(r["id"]) + "_reverse", name=r["name"] ) return DH