Projects using XGI

XGI has been used in a variety of published work and other software.

Articles are listed by year and then alphabetically by the last name of the first author (and title if necessary).

Published work


Nicholas W. Landry, Ilya Amburg, Mirah Shi, and Sinan Aksoy, “Filtering higher-order datasets”, Journal of Physics: Complexity 5 015006 (2024).

Paper Code

Nicholas W. Landry, Jean-Gabriel Young, and Nicole Eikmeier, “The simpliciality of higher-order networks”, EPJ Data Science 13, 17 (2024).

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Gonzalo Contreras-Aso, Regino Criado, Guillermo Vera de Salas, and Jinling Yang, “Detecting communities in higher-order networks by using their derivative graphs”, Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals 177, 114200 (2023).

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Nicholas W. Landry and Juan Restrepo, “Opinion disparity in hypergraphs with community structure”, Physical Review E 108, 034311 (2023).

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Timothy LaRock and Renaud Lambiotte, “Encapsulation Structure and Dynamics in Hypergraphs”, Journal of Physics: Complexity 4, 045007 (2023).

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Nicolò Ruggieri, Martina Contisciani, Federico Battiston, and Caterina de Bacco, “Community detection in large hypergraphs”, Science Advances 9, eadg9159 (2023).

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Yuanzhao Zhang, Maxime Lucas, and Federico Battiston, “Higher-order interactions shape collective dynamics differently in hypergraphs and simplicial complexes”, Nature Communications 14, 1605 (2023).

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Gonzalo Contreras-Aso, Regino Criado, and Miguel Romance, “Beyond directed hypergraphs: heterogeneous hypergraphs and spectral centralities”, arXiv:2403.11825 (2024).

Paper Code

Maxime Lucas, Luca Gallo, Arsham Ghavasieh, Federico Battiston, and Manlio De Domenico, “Functional reducibility of higher-order networks”, arXiv:2404.08547 (2024).

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Gonzalo Contreras-Aso, Cristian Pérez-Corral, and Miguel Romance, “Uplifting edges in higher order networks: spectral centralities for non-uniform hypergraphs”, arXiv:2310.20335 (2023).

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Iacopo Iacopini, Márton Karsai, and Alain Barrat, “The temporal dynamics of group interactions in higher-order social networks”, arXiv:2306.09967 (2023).

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Yuanzhao Zhang, Per Sebastian Skardal, Federico Battiston, Giovanni Petri, Maxime Lucas, “Deeper but smaller: Higher-order interactions increase linear stability but shrink basins”, arXiv:2309.16581 (2023).

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Leonie Neuhäuser, “Modelling the effect of groups on network structure and dynamics”, (2023).


Thomas Robiglio, “Higher-order structures in face-to-face interaction networks”, (2023).


Software packages