Source code for xgi.algorithms.clustering

"""Algorithms for computing nodal clustering coefficients."""

from itertools import combinations

import numpy as np

from ..exception import XGIError
from ..linalg import adjacency_matrix

__all__ = [

[docs]def clustering_coefficient(H): r"""Return the clustering coefficients for each node in a Hypergraph. This clustering coefficient is defined as the clustering coefficient of the unweighted pairwise projection of the hypergraph, i.e., :math:`c = A^3_{i,i}/\binom{k}{2},` where :math:`A` is the adjacency matrix of the network and :math:`k` is the pairwise degree of :math:`i`. Parameters ---------- H : Hypergraph Hypergraph Returns ------- dict nodes are keys, clustering coefficients are values. Notes ----- The clustering coefficient is undefined when the number of neighbors is 0 or 1, but we set the clustering coefficient to 0 in these cases. For more discussion, see See Also -------- local_clustering_coefficient two_node_clustering_coefficient References ---------- "Clustering Coefficients in Protein Interaction Hypernetworks" by Suzanne Gallagher and Debra Goldberg. DOI: 10.1145/2506583.2506635 Example ------- >>> import xgi >>> H = xgi.random_hypergraph(3, [1, 1]) >>> cc = xgi.clustering_coefficient(H) >>> cc {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 1.0} """ adj, index = adjacency_matrix(H, index=True) ndict = {n: i for i, n in index.items()} k = adj.sum(axis=1) denom = k * (k - 1) / 2 mat = with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): result = np.nan_to_num(0.5 * mat.diagonal() / denom) return {n: float(result[ndict[n]]) if n in ndict else 0 for n in H.nodes}
[docs]def local_clustering_coefficient(H): """Compute the local clustering coefficient. This clustering coefficient is based on the overlap of the edges connected to a given node, normalized by the size of the node's neighborhood. Parameters ---------- H : Hypergraph Hypergraph Returns ------- dict keys are node IDs and values are the clustering coefficients. Notes ----- The clustering coefficient is undefined when the number of neighbors is 0 or 1, but we set the clustering coefficient to 0 in these cases. For more discussion, see See Also -------- clustering_coefficient two_node_clustering_coefficient References ---------- "Properties of metabolic graphs: biological organization or representation artifacts?" by Wanding Zhou and Luay Nakhleh. "Hypergraphs for predicting essential genes using multiprotein complex data" by Florian Klimm, Charlotte M. Deane, and Gesine Reinert. Example ------- >>> import xgi >>> H = xgi.random_hypergraph(3, [1, 1]) >>> cc = xgi.local_clustering_coefficient(H) >>> cc {0: 0.3333333333333333, 1: 0.3333333333333333, 2: 0.3333333333333333} """ result = {} memberships = H.nodes.memberships() members = H.edges.members() for n in H.nodes: ev = list(memberships[n]) dv = len(ev) if dv <= 1: result[n] = 0 else: total_eo = 0 # go over all pairs of edges pairwise for e1, e2 in combinations(ev, 2): edge1 = members[e1] edge2 = members[e2] # set differences for the hyperedges D1 = set(edge1) - set(edge2) D2 = set(edge2) - set(edge1) # if edges are the same by definition the extra overlap is zero if len(D1.union(D2)) == 0: eo = 0 else: # otherwise we have to look at their neighbours # the neighbours of D1 and D2, respectively. neighD1 = {i for d in D1 for i in H.nodes.neighbors(d)} neighD2 = {i for d in D2 for i in H.nodes.neighbors(d)} # compute extra overlap [len() is used for cardinality of edges] eo = ( len(neighD1.intersection(D2)) + len(neighD2.intersection(D1)) ) / len( D1.union(D2) ) # add it up # add it up total_eo = total_eo + eo # include normalisation by degree k*(k-1)/2 result[n] = 2 * total_eo / (dv * (dv - 1)) return result
[docs]def two_node_clustering_coefficient(H, kind="union"): """Return the clustering coefficients for each node in a Hypergraph. This definition averages over all of the two-node clustering coefficients involving the node. Parameters ---------- H : Hypergraph Hypergraph kind : string, optional The type of two node clustering coefficient. Options are "union", "max", and "min". By default, "union". Returns ------- dict nodes are keys, clustering coefficients are values. Notes ----- The clustering coefficient is undefined when the number of neighbors is 0 or 1, but we set the clustering coefficient to 0 in these cases. For more discussion, see See Also -------- clustering_coefficient local_clustering_coefficient References ---------- "Clustering Coefficients in Protein Interaction Hypernetworks" by Suzanne Gallagher and Debra Goldberg. DOI: 10.1145/2506583.2506635 Example ------- >>> import xgi >>> H = xgi.random_hypergraph(3, [1, 1]) >>> cc = xgi.two_node_clustering_coefficient(H, kind="union") >>> cc {0: 0.5, 1: 0.5, 2: 0.5} """ result = {} memberships = H.nodes.memberships() for n in H.nodes: neighbors = H.nodes.neighbors(n) result[n] = 0.0 for v in neighbors: result[n] += _uv_cc(n, v, memberships, kind=kind) / len(neighbors) return result
def _uv_cc(u, v, memberships, kind="union"): """Helper function to compute the two-node clustering coefficient. Parameters ---------- u : hashable First node v : hashable Second node memberships : dict node IDs are keys, edge IDs to which they belong are values. kind : str, optional Type of clustering coefficient to compute, by default "union". Options: - "union" - "max" - "min" Returns ------- float The clustering coefficient Raises ------ XGIError If an invalid clustering coefficient kind is specified. References ---------- "Clustering Coefficients in Protein Interaction Hypernetworks" by Suzanne Gallagher and Debra Goldberg. DOI: 10.1145/2506583.2506635 """ m_u = memberships[u] m_v = memberships[v] num = len(m_u.intersection(m_v)) if kind == "union": denom = len(m_u.union(m_v)) elif kind == "min": denom = min(len(m_u), len(m_v)) elif kind == "max": denom = max(len(m_u), len(m_v)) else: raise XGIError("Invalid kind of clustering.") if denom == 0: return np.nan return num / denom