Source code for xgi.algorithms.connected

"""Algorithms related to connected components of a hypergraph."""

from ..core.globalviews import subhypergraph
from ..exception import XGIError

__all__ = [

[docs]def is_connected(H): """ A function to determine whether a hypergraph is connected. Parameters ---------- H: Hypergraph object The hypergraph of interest Returns ------- bool Whether the hypergraph is connected. See Also -------- connected_components number_connected_components largest_connected_component largest_connected_hypergraph Example ------- >>> import xgi >>> H = xgi.random_hypergraph(10, [0.5, 0.01], seed=1) >>> print(xgi.is_connected(H)) True """ return len(_plain_bfs(H, list(H.nodes)[0])) == len(H)
[docs]def connected_components(H): """ A function to find the connected components of a hypergraph. Parameters ---------- H: Hypergraph object The hypergraph of interest Returns ------- iterable of sets An iterator where each entry is a component of the hypergraph. See Also -------- is_connected number_connected_components largest_connected_component largest_connected_hypergraph Example ------- >>> import xgi >>> H = xgi.random_hypergraph(50, [0.1, 0.01], seed=1) >>> print([len(component) for component in xgi.connected_components(H)]) [50] """ seen = set() for v in H: if v not in seen: c = _plain_bfs(H, v) seen.update(c) yield c
[docs]def number_connected_components(H): """ A function to find the number of connected components of a hypergraph. Parameters ---------- H: Hypergraph object The hypergraph of interest Returns ------- int The number of connected components of the hypergraph. See Also -------- is_connected connected_components largest_connected_component largest_connected_hypergraph Example ------- >>> import xgi >>> H = xgi.random_hypergraph(50, [0.1, 0.01], seed=1) >>> print(xgi.number_connected_components(H)) 1 """ num_cc = 0 seen = set() for v in H: if v not in seen: c = _plain_bfs(H, v) seen.update(c) num_cc += 1 return num_cc
[docs]def largest_connected_component(H): """ A function to find the largest connected component of a hypergraph. Parameters ---------- H: Hypergraph object The hypergraph of interest Returns ------- set The largest connected component (a set of nodes) of the hypergraph. See Also -------- connected_components largest_connected_hypergraph Example ------- >>> import xgi >>> H = xgi.random_hypergraph(50, [0.1, 0.01], seed=1) >>> print(len(xgi.largest_connected_component(H))) 50 """ return max(connected_components(H), key=len)
[docs]def node_connected_component(H, n): """ A function to find the connected component of which a node in the hypergraph is a part. Parameters ---------- H: Hypergraph object The hypergraph of interest n: hashable Node label See Also -------- connected_components Returns ------- set Returns the connected component of which the specified node in the hypergraph is a part. Example ------- >>> import xgi >>> H = xgi.random_hypergraph(50, [0.1, 0.01], seed=1) >>> comp = xgi.node_connected_component(H, 0) >>> print(type(comp), len(comp)) <class 'set'> 50 """ if n in H: return _plain_bfs(H, n) else: raise XGIError("Specified node is not in the hypergraph!")
[docs]def largest_connected_hypergraph(H, in_place=False): """ A function to find the largest connected hypergraph from a data set. Parameters ---------- H: Hypergraph The hypergraph of interest in_place: bool, optional If False, creates a copy; if True, modifies the existing hypergraph. By default, True. Returns ------- None If in_place: modifies the existing hypergraph Hypergraph If not in_place: the hypergraph induced on the nodes of the largest connected component. See Also -------- connected_components largest_connected_component Example ------- >>> import xgi >>> H = xgi.random_hypergraph(10, [0.1, 0.01], seed=1) >>> H_gcc = xgi.largest_connected_hypergraph(H) >>> print(H_gcc.num_nodes) 6 """ connected_nodes = max(connected_components(H), key=len) if not in_place: return subhypergraph(H, nodes=connected_nodes).copy() else: H.remove_nodes_from(set(H.nodes).difference(connected_nodes))
def _plain_bfs(H, source): """A fast BFS node generator Source: """ seen = set() nextlevel = {source} while nextlevel: thislevel = nextlevel nextlevel = set() for v in thislevel: if v not in seen: seen.add(v) nextlevel.update(H.nodes.neighbors(v)) return seen