"""Functional interface to hypergraph methods and assorted utilities."""
from collections import Counter
from scipy.special import comb
from ..exception import XGIError
__all__ = [
[docs]def num_edges_order(H, d=None):
"""The number of edges of order d.
H : Hypergraph
The hypergraph of interest.
d : int, optional
The order of edges to count. If None (default), counts
for all orders.
The number of edges of order d
See Also
if d is not None:
return len(H.edges.filterby("order", d))
return H.num_edges
[docs]def max_edge_order(H):
"""The maximum order of edges in the hypergraph.
H : Hypergraph
The hypergraph of interest.
Maximum order of edges in hypergraph.
See Also
if H._edge:
d_max = max(len(edge) for edge in H._edge.values()) - 1
d_max = 0 if H._node else None
return d_max
[docs]def is_possible_order(H, d):
"""Whether the specified order is between 0 (singletons) and the maximum order.
H : Hypergraph
The hypergraph of interest.
d : int
Order for which to check.
Whether `d` is a possible order.
d_max = max_edge_order(H)
return (d >= 0) and (d <= d_max)
[docs]def edge_neighborhood(H, n, include_self=False):
"""The edge neighborhood of the specified node.
The edge neighborhood of a node `n` in a hypergraph `H` is an edgelist of all the
edges containing `n` and its edges are all the edges in `H` that contain `n`.
Usually, the edge neighborhood does not include `n` itself. This can be controlled
with `include_self`.
H : Hypergraph
THe hypergraph of interest
n : node
Node whose edge_neighborhood is needed.
include_self : bool, optional
Whether the edge_neighborhood contains `n`.
By default, False.
An edgelist of the edge_neighborhood of `n`.
See Also
>>> import xgi
>>> H = xgi.Hypergraph([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5, 6]])
>>> H.nodes.neighbors(3)
{1, 2, 4}
>>> xgi.edge_neighborhood(H, 3)
[{1, 2}, {4}]
>>> xgi.edge_neighborhood(H, 3, include_self=True)
[{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4}]
if include_self:
return [H.edges.members(e) for e in H.nodes.memberships(n)]
return [H.edges.members(e) - {n} for e in H.nodes.memberships(n)]
[docs]def degree_counts(H, order=None):
"""Returns a list of the the number of occurrences of each degree value.
The counts correspond to degrees from 0 to max(degree).
H : Hypergraph object
The hypergraph of interest
order: int, optional
Order of edges to take into account. If None (default),
consider all edges.
A list of frequencies of degrees.
The degree values are the index in the list.
Note: the bins are width one, hence len(list) can be large
The degree is defined as the number of edges to which a node belongs.
A node belonging only to a singleton edge will thus have degree 1 and
contribute accordingly to the degree count.
>>> import xgi
>>> hyperedge_list = [[1, 2], [2, 3, 4]]
>>> H = xgi.Hypergraph(hyperedge_list)
>>> xgi.degree_counts(H)
[0, 3, 1]
counts = Counter(H.degree(order=order).values())
return [counts.get(i, 0) for i in range(max(counts) + 1)]
[docs]def degree_histogram(H):
"""Returns a degree histogram including bin centers (degree values).
H : Hypergraph object
The hypergraph of interest
tuple of lists
First entry is observed degrees (bin centers),
second entry is degree count (histogram height)
Note: the bins are width one, hence there will be an entry
for every observed degree.
>>> import xgi
>>> hyperedge_list = [[1, 2], [2, 3, 4]]
>>> H = xgi.Hypergraph(hyperedge_list)
>>> xgi.degree_histogram(H)
([1, 2], [3, 1])
counts = Counter(H.degree().values())
degrees = []
heights = []
for d, c in sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0]):
return degrees, heights
[docs]def unique_edge_sizes(H):
"""A function that returns the unique edge sizes.
H : Hypergraph object
The hypergraph of interest
list of int
The unique edge sizes in ascending order by size.
return sorted(set(H.edges.size.aslist()))
[docs]def density(H, order=None, max_order=None, ignore_singletons=False):
r"""Hypergraph density.
The density of a hypergraph is the number of existing edges divided by the number of
possible edges.
Let `H` have :math:`n` nodes and :math:`m` hyperedges. Then,
* `density(H) =` :math:`\frac{m}{2^n - 1}`,
* `density(H, ignore_singletons=True) =` :math:`\frac{m}{2^n - 1 - n}`.
Here, :math:`2^n` is the total possible number of hyperedges on `H`, from which we
subtract :math:`1` because the empty hyperedge is not considered. We subtract an
additional :math:`n` when singletons are not considered.
Now assume `H` has :math:`a` edges with order :math:`1` and :math:`b` edges with
order :math:`2`. Then,
* `density(H, order=1) =` :math:`\frac{a}{{n \choose 2}}`,
* `density(H, order=2) =` :math:`\frac{b}{{n \choose 3}}`,
* `density(H, max_order=1) =` :math:`\frac{a}{{n \choose 1} + {n \choose 2}}`,
* `density(H, max_order=1, ignore_singletons=True) =` :math:`\frac{a}{{n \choose 2}}`,
* `density(H, max_order=2) =` :math:`\frac{m}{{n \choose 1} + {n \choose 2} + {n \choose 3}}`,
* `density(H, max_order=2, ignore_singletons=True) =` :math:`\frac{m}{{n \choose 2} + {n \choose 3}}`,
order : int, optional
If not None, only count edges of the specified order.
By default, None.
max_order : int, optional
If not None, only count edges of order up to this value, inclusive.
By default, None.
ignore_singletons : bool, optional
Whether to consider singleton edges. Ignored if `order` is not None and
different from :math:`0`. By default, False.
See Also
If both `order` and `max_order` are not None, `max_order` is ignored.
n = H.num_nodes
if n < 1:
raise XGIError("Density not defined for empty hypergraph")
if H.num_edges < 1:
return 0.0
def order_filter(val, mode):
return H.edges.filterby("order", val, mode=mode)
if order is None and max_order is None:
numer = H.num_edges
denom = 2**n - 1
if ignore_singletons:
numer -= len(order_filter(0, mode="eq"))
denom -= n
elif order is None and max_order is not None:
if max_order >= n:
raise ValueError("max_order must be smaller than the number of nodes")
numer = len(order_filter(max_order, "leq"))
denom = sum(comb(n, _ord + 1, exact=True) for _ord in range(max_order + 1))
if ignore_singletons:
numer -= len(order_filter(0, mode="eq"))
denom -= n
elif order is not None: # ignore max_order
if order >= n:
raise ValueError("order must be smaller than the number of nodes")
if ignore_singletons and order == 0:
return 0.0
numer = len(order_filter(order, mode="eq"))
denom = comb(n, order + 1, exact=True)
return float(numer) / denom
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0.0
[docs]def incidence_density(H, order=None, max_order=None, ignore_singletons=False):
r"""Density of the incidence matrix.
The incidence matrix of a hypergraph contains one row per node and one column per
edge. An entry is non-zero when the corresponding node is a member of the
corresponding edge. The density of this matrix is the number of non-zero entries
divided by the total number of entries.
order : int, optional
If not None, only count edges of the specified order.
By default, None.
max_order : int, optional
If not None, only count edges of order up to this value, inclusive.
By default, None.
ignore_singletons : bool, optional
Whether to consider singleton edges. Ignored if `order` is not None and
different from :math:`0`. By default, False.
See Also
If both `order` and `max_order` are not None, `max_order` is ignored.
The parameters `order`, `max_order` and `ignore_singletons` have a similar effect on
the denominator as they have in :func:`density`.
n = H.num_nodes
if n < 1:
raise XGIError("Density not defined for empty hypergraph")
if H.num_edges < 1:
return 0.0
edges_to_count = H.edges
if order is None and max_order is None:
if ignore_singletons:
edges_to_count = edges_to_count.filterby("order", 0, "gt")
elif order is None and max_order is not None:
if max_order >= n:
raise ValueError("max_order must be smaller than the number of nodes")
edges_to_count = edges_to_count.filterby("order", max_order, "leq")
if ignore_singletons:
edges_to_count = edges_to_count.filterby("order", 0, "gt")
elif order is not None: # ignore max_order
if order >= n:
raise ValueError("order must be smaller than the number of nodes")
if ignore_singletons and order == 0:
return 0.0
edges_to_count = edges_to_count.filterby("order", order, "eq")
denom = n * len(edges_to_count)
numer = edges_to_count.size.asnumpy().sum() # size, not order
# cast both to float because sometimes 0 / 0.0 may issue a warning instead of
# raising ZeroDivisionError
return float(numer) / float(denom)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0.0