Source code for xgi.algorithms.shortest_path

"""Algorithms for computing shortest paths in a hypergraph."""

import numpy as np

from ..utils import utilities

__all__ = ["single_source_shortest_path_length", "shortest_path_length"]

[docs]def single_source_shortest_path_length(H, source): """ Returns the distances from source to every other node in hypergraph H. Parameters ---------- H : xgi.Hypergraph Hypergraph on which to compute the distances. Node indexes must be integers. source : int Index of the node from which to compute the distance to every other node. Returns ------- dists : dict Dictionary where keys are node indexes and values are the distances from source. """ # 1. Mark all nodes unvisited. is_unseen = dict() for node in H.nodes: is_unseen[node] = True n_unseen = len(H.nodes) # 2. Assign to every node a tentative distance value. dists = dict() for node in H.nodes: dists[node] = np.inf dists[source] = 0 is_unseen[source] = False n_unseen -= 1 current = source # 3. Consider all of unvisited neighbors of current node and calculate their tentative distances to the current node. stop_condition = False while not stop_condition: for ngb in H.nodes.neighbors(current): if is_unseen[ngb]: increment = 1 # increment = weight(ngb, current) if weighted new_dist = dists[current] + increment if new_dist < dists[ngb]: dists[ngb] = new_dist else: pass else: pass # 4. Mark the current node as visited and remove it from the unvisited set. is_unseen[current] = False n_unseen -= 1 # 5. Check for stop condition. stop_condition = (n_unseen == 0) or ( utilities.min_where(dists, is_unseen) == np.inf ) # 6. Otherwise, select the unvisited node that is marked with the smallest tentative distance, set it as the new current node, and go back to step 3. min_val = np.inf argmin = current for node in dists.keys(): if is_unseen[node]: if dists[node] < min_val: min_val = dists[node] argmin = node else: pass else: pass current = argmin return dists
[docs]def shortest_path_length(H): """ Returns a generator of tuples (source, dists) where dists is a dictonary containing the distances from source to every other node in hypergraph H, for all possible source in H. Parameters ---------- H : xgi.Hypergraph Hypergraph on which to compute the distances. Node indexes must be integers. Returns ------- paths : generator of tuples Every tuple is of the form (source, dict_of_lengths), for every possible source. """ for source in H.nodes: dists = single_source_shortest_path_length(H, source) yield (source, dists)