Source code for xgi.convert.hypergraph_dict

"""Method for converting from a standardized dictionary."""

from collections import Counter

from ..exception import XGIError
from ..generators import empty_hypergraph
from ..utils import get_network_type

__all__ = ["to_hypergraph_dict", "from_hypergraph_dict"]

[docs]def to_hypergraph_dict(H): """A method to convert a hypergraph into a standard dictionary format. Parameters ---------- H : Hypergraph The hypergraph to convert Returns ------- dict A dictionary of the form described in Raises ------ XGIError If node IDs will be collapsed when casting to a string. XGIError If edge Ids will be collapsed when casting to a string. See Also -------- ~xgi.readwrite.json.read_json ~xgi.readwrite.json.write_json """ data = {} data["type"] = get_network_type(H) # name always gets written (default is an empty string) data["hypergraph-data"] = {} data["hypergraph-data"].update(H._net_attr) # get node data data["node-data"] = {str(idx): H.nodes[idx] for idx in H.nodes} if len(data["node-data"]) != H.num_nodes: dups = [ item for item, count in Counter([str(n) for n in H.nodes]).items() if count > 1 ] raise XGIError( f"When casting node IDs to strings, ID(s) {', '.join(dups)} have conflicting IDs!" ) data["edge-data"] = {str(idx): H.edges[idx] for idx in H.edges} if len(data["edge-data"]) != H.num_edges: dups = [ item for item, count in Counter([str(n) for n in H.edges]).items() if count > 1 ] raise XGIError( f"When casting edge IDs to strings, ID(s) {', '.join(dups)} have conflicting IDs!" ) # hyperedge dict data["edge-dict"] = { str(idx): [str(n) for n in sorted(H.edges.members(idx))] for idx in H.edges } return data
[docs]def from_hypergraph_dict(data, nodetype=None, edgetype=None, max_order=None): """ A function to read a file in a standardized JSON format. Parameters ---------- data: dict A dictionary in the hypergraph JSON format nodetype: type, optional Type that the node IDs will be cast to edgetype: type, optional Type that the edge IDs will be cast to max_order: int, optional Maximum order of edges to add to the hypergraph Returns ------- A Hypergraph object The loaded hypergraph Raises ------ XGIError If the JSON is not in a format that can be loaded. See Also -------- ~xgi.readwrite.json.read_json ~xgi.readwrite.json.write_json """ H = empty_hypergraph() try: H._net_attr.update(data["hypergraph-data"]) except KeyError: raise XGIError("Failed to get hypergraph data attributes.") try: for idx, dd in data["node-data"].items(): if nodetype is not None: try: idx = nodetype(idx) except ValueError as e: raise TypeError( f"Failed to convert edge IDs to type {nodetype}." ) from e H.add_node(idx, **dd) except KeyError: raise XGIError("Failed to import node attributes.") try: for idx, edge in data["edge-dict"].items(): if max_order and len(edge) > max_order + 1: continue if edgetype is not None: try: idx = edgetype(idx) except ValueError as e: raise TypeError( f"Failed to convert the edge with ID {idx} to type {edgetype}." ) from e if nodetype is not None: try: edge = {nodetype(n) for n in edge} except ValueError as e: raise TypeError( f"Failed to convert nodes to type {nodetype}." ) from e H.add_edge(edge, idx) except KeyError as e: raise XGIError("Failed to import edge dictionary.") from e try: if edgetype is None: edge_data = { key: val for key, val in data["edge-data"].items() if key in H.edges } else: edge_data = { edgetype(e): dd for e, dd in data["edge-data"].items() if edgetype(e) in H.edges } H.set_edge_attributes(edge_data) except KeyError as e: raise XGIError("Failed to import edge attributes.") from e return H