"""Generators for some simplicial complexes.
All the functions in this module return a SimplicialComplex class.
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import combinations
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import comb
from ..core import SimplicialComplex
from ..utils.utilities import find_triangles
__all__ = [
[docs]def random_simplicial_complex(N, ps, seed=None):
"""Generates a random hypergraph
Generate N nodes, and connect any d+1 nodes
by a simplex with probability ps[d-1]. For each simplex,
add all its subfaces if they do not already exist.
N : int
Number of nodes
ps : list of float
List of probabilities (between 0 and 1) to create a
hyperedge at each order d between any d+1 nodes. For example,
ps[0] is the wiring probability of any edge (2 nodes), ps[1]
of any triangles (3 nodes).
seed : int or None (default)
The seed for the random number generator
Simplicialcomplex object
The generated simplicial complex
Described as 'random simplicial complex' in
"Simplicial Models of Social Contagion", Nature Communications 10(1), 2485,
by I. Iacopini, G. Petri, A. Barrat & V. Latora (2019).
>>> import xgi
>>> H = xgi.random_simplicial_complex(20, [0.1, 0.01])
if seed is not None:
if (np.any(np.array(ps) < 0)) or (np.any(np.array(ps) > 1)):
raise ValueError("All elements of ps must be between 0 and 1 included.")
nodes = range(N)
simplices = []
for i, p in enumerate(ps):
d = i + 1 # order, ps[0] is prob of edges (d=1)
potential_simplices = combinations(nodes, d + 1)
n_comb = comb(N, d + 1, exact=True)
mask = np.random.random(size=n_comb) <= p # True if simplex to keep
simplices_to_add = [e for e, val in zip(potential_simplices, mask) if val]
simplices += simplices_to_add
S = SimplicialComplex()
return S
[docs]def flag_complex(G, max_order=2, ps=None, seed=None):
"""Generate a flag (or clique) complex from a
NetworkX graph by filling all cliques up to dimension max_order.
G : Networkx Graph
max_order : int
maximal dimension of simplices to add to the output simplicial complex
ps: list of float
List of probabilities (between 0 and 1) to create a
hyperedge from a clique, at each order d. For example,
ps[0] is the probability of promoting any 3-node clique (triangle) to
a 3-hyperedge.
seed: int or None (default)
The seed for the random number generator
S : SimplicialComplex
Computing all cliques quickly becomes heavy for large networks. `flag_complex_d2`
is faster to compute up to order 2.
See also
# This import needs to happen when this function is called, not when it is
# defined. Otherwise, a circular import error would happen.
from ..core import SimplicialComplex
if seed is not None:
nodes = G.nodes()
N = len(nodes)
edges = G.edges()
cliques_to_add = _cliques_to_fill(G, max_order)
S = SimplicialComplex()
if not ps: # promote all cliques
S.add_simplices_from(cliques_to_add, max_order=max_order)
return S
# store max cliques per order
cliques_d = defaultdict(list)
for x in cliques_to_add:
# promote cliques with a given probability
for i, p in enumerate(ps[: max_order - 1]):
d = i + 2 # simplex order
cliques_d_to_add = [el for el in cliques_d[d + 1] if random.random() <= p]
S.add_simplices_from(cliques_d_to_add, max_order=max_order)
return S
[docs]def flag_complex_d2(G, p2=None, seed=None):
"""Generate a flag (or clique) complex from a
NetworkX graph by filling all cliques up to dimension 2.
G : networkx Graph
Graph to consider
p2: float
Probability (between 0 and 1) of filling empty triangles in graph G
seed: int or None (default)
The seed for the random number generator
S : xgi.SimplicialComplex
Computing all cliques quickly becomes heavy for large networks. This
is faster than `flag_complex` to compute up to order 2.
See also
# This import needs to happen when this function is called, not when it is
# defined. Otherwise, a circular import error would happen.
from ..core import SimplicialComplex
if seed is not None:
nodes = G.nodes()
edges = G.edges()
S = SimplicialComplex()
triangles_empty = find_triangles(G)
if p2 is not None:
triangles = [el for el in triangles_empty if random.random() <= p2]
triangles = triangles_empty
return S
[docs]def random_flag_complex_d2(N, p, seed=None):
"""Generate a maximal simplicial complex (up to order 2) from a :math:`G_{N,p}`
Erdős-Rényi random graph.
This proceeds by filling all empty triangles in the graph with 2-simplices.
N : int
Number of nodes
p : float
Probabilities (between 0 and 1) to create an edge
between any 2 nodes
seed : int or None (default)
The seed for the random number generator
Computing all cliques quickly becomes heavy for large networks.
if seed is not None:
if (p < 0) or (p > 1):
raise ValueError("p must be between 0 and 1 included.")
G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, p, seed=seed)
return flag_complex_d2(G)
[docs]def random_flag_complex(N, p, max_order=2, seed=None):
"""Generate a flag (or clique) complex from a
:math:`G_{N,p}` Erdős-Rényi random graph.
This proceeds by filling all cliques up to dimension max_order.
N : int
Number of nodes
p : float
Probability (between 0 and 1) to create an edge
between any 2 nodes
max_order : int
maximal dimension of simplices to add to the output simplicial complex
seed : int or None (default)
The seed for the random number generator
Computing all cliques quickly becomes heavy for large networks.
if (p < 0) or (p > 1):
raise ValueError("p must be between 0 and 1 included.")
G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, p, seed=seed)
nodes = G.nodes()
cliques = _cliques_to_fill(G, max_order)
S = SimplicialComplex()
S.add_simplices_from(cliques, max_order=max_order)
return S
def _cliques_to_fill(G, max_order):
"""Return cliques to fill for flag complexes,
to be passed to `add_simplices_from`.
This function was written to speedup flag_complex functions
by avoiding adding redundant faces.
G : networkx Graph
Graph to consider
max_order: int or None
If None, return maximal cliques. If int, return all cliques
up to max_order.
cliques : list
List of cliques
if max_order is None:
cliques = list(nx.find_cliques(G)) # max cliques
else: # avoid adding many unnecessary redundant cliques
cliques = []
for clique in nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G): # sorted by size
if len(clique) == 1:
continue # don't add singletons
if len(clique) <= max_order + 1:
break # dont go over whole list if not necessary
return cliques