"""Hodge theory matrices associated to hypergraphs.
Note that the order of the rows and columns of the
matrices in this module correspond to the order in
which nodes/edges are added to the hypergraph or
simplicial complex. If the node and edge IDs are
able to be sorted, the following is an example to sort
by the node and edge IDs.
>>> import xgi
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> H = xgi.Hypergraph([[1, 2, 3, 7], [4], [5, 6, 7]])
>>> I, nodedict, edgedict = xgi.incidence_matrix(H, sparse=False, index=True)
>>> # Sorting the resulting numpy array:
>>> sortedI = I.copy()
>>> sortedI = sortedI[sorted(nodedict, key=nodedict.get), :]
>>> sortedI = sortedI[:, sorted(edgedict, key=edgedict.get)]
>>> sortedI
array([[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1]])
>>> # Indexing a Pandas dataframe by the node/edge IDs
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(I, index=nodedict.values(), columns=edgedict.values())
If the nodes are already sorted, this order can be preserved by adding the nodes
to the hypergraph prior to adding edges. For example,
>>> import xgi
>>> H = xgi.Hypergraph()
>>> H.add_nodes_from(range(1, 8))
>>> H.add_edges_from([[1, 2, 3, 7], [4], [5, 6, 7]])
>>> xgi.incidence_matrix(H, sparse=False)
array([[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1]])
import numpy as np
__all__ = [
[docs]def boundary_matrix(S, order=1, orientations=None, index=False):
"""Generate the boundary matrices of an oriented simplicial complex.
The rows correspond to the (order-1)-simplices and the columns to the
S: simplicial complex object
The simplicial complex of interest
order: int, default: 1
Specifies the order of the boundary
matrix to compute
orientations: dict, default: None
Dictionary mapping non-singleton simplices
IDs to their boolean orientation
index: bool, default: False
Specifies whether to output dictionaries
mapping the simplices IDs to indices
B: numpy.ndarray
The boundary matrix of the chosen order, has dimension
(n_simplices of given order - 1, n_simplices of given order)
rowdict: dict
The dictionary mapping indices to
(order-1)-simplices IDs, if index is True
coldict: dict
The dictionary mapping indices to
(order)-simplices IDs, if index is True
"Discrete Calculus"
by Leo J. Grady and Jonathan R. Polimeni
# Extract the simplices involved
if order == 1:
simplices_d_ids = S.nodes
simplices_d_ids = S.edges.filterby("order", order - 1)
if order == 0:
simplices_u_ids = S.nodes
simplices_u_ids = S.edges.filterby("order", order)
nd = len(simplices_d_ids)
nu = len(simplices_u_ids)
simplices_d_dict = dict(zip(simplices_d_ids, range(nd)))
simplices_u_dict = dict(zip(simplices_u_ids, range(nu)))
if index:
rowdict = {v: k for k, v in simplices_d_dict.items()}
coldict = {v: k for k, v in simplices_u_dict.items()}
if orientations is None:
orientations = {idd: 0 for idd in S.edges.filterby("order", 1, mode="geq")}
B = np.zeros((nd, nu))
if not (nu == 0 or nd == 0):
if order == 1:
for u_simplex_id in simplices_u_ids:
u_simplex = list(S.edges.members(u_simplex_id))
key=lambda e: (isinstance(e, str), e)
) # Sort the simplex's vertices to get a reference orientation
# The key is needed to sort a mixed list of numbers and strings:
# it ensures that node labels which are numbers are put before
# strings, thus giving a list [sorted numbers, sorted strings]
matrix_id = simplices_u_dict[u_simplex_id]
head_idx = u_simplex[1]
tail_idx = u_simplex[0]
B[simplices_d_dict[head_idx], matrix_id] = (-1) ** orientations[
B[simplices_d_dict[tail_idx], matrix_id] = -(
(-1) ** orientations[u_simplex_id]
for u_simplex_id in simplices_u_ids:
u_simplex = list(S.edges.members(u_simplex_id))
key=lambda e: (isinstance(e, str), e)
) # Sort the simplex's vertices to get a reference orientation
# The key is needed to sort a mixed list of numbers and strings:
# it ensures that node labels which are numbers are put before
# strings, thus giving a list [sorted numbers, sorted strings]
matrix_id = simplices_u_dict[u_simplex_id]
u_simplex_subfaces = S._subfaces(u_simplex, all=False)
subfaces_induced_orientation = [
(orientations[u_simplex_id] + order - i) % 2
for i in range(order + 1)
for count, subf in enumerate(u_simplex_subfaces):
subface_ID = list(S.edges)[S.edges.members().index(frozenset(subf))]
B[simplices_d_dict[subface_ID], matrix_id] = (-1) ** (
subfaces_induced_orientation[count] + orientations[subface_ID]
return (B, rowdict, coldict) if index else B
[docs]def hodge_laplacian(S, order=1, orientations=None, index=False):
A function to compute the Hodge Laplacians of an oriented
simplicial complex.
S: simplicial complex object
The simplicial complex of interest
order: int, default: 1
Specifies the order of the Hodge
Laplacian matrix to be computed
orientations: dict, default: None
Dictionary mapping non-singleton simplices
IDs to their boolean orientation
index: bool, default: False
Specifies whether to output dictionaries
mapping the simplices IDs to indices
L_o: numpy.ndarray
The Hodge Laplacian matrix of the chosen order, has dimension
(n_simplices of given order, n_simplices of given order)
matdict: dict
The dictionary mapping indices to
(order)-simplices IDs, if index is True
if index:
B_o, __, matdict = boundary_matrix(S, order, orientations, True)
B_o = boundary_matrix(S, order, orientations, False)
D_om1 = np.transpose(B_o)
B_op1 = boundary_matrix(S, order + 1, orientations, False)
D_o = np.transpose(B_op1)
L_o = D_om1 @ B_o + B_op1 @ D_o
return (L_o, matdict) if index else L_o