"""Laplacian matrices associated to hypergraphs.
Note that the order of the rows and columns of the
matrices in this module correspond to the order in
which nodes/edges are added to the hypergraph or
simplicial complex. If the node and edge IDs are
able to be sorted, the following is an example to sort
by the node and edge IDs.
>>> import xgi
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> H = xgi.Hypergraph([[1, 2, 3, 7], [4], [5, 6, 7]])
>>> I, nodedict, edgedict = xgi.incidence_matrix(H, sparse=False, index=True)
>>> # Sorting the resulting numpy array:
>>> sortedI = I.copy()
>>> sortedI = sortedI[sorted(nodedict, key=nodedict.get), :]
>>> sortedI = sortedI[:, sorted(edgedict, key=edgedict.get)]
>>> sortedI
array([[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1]])
>>> # Indexing a Pandas dataframe by the node/edge IDs
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(I, index=nodedict.values(), columns=edgedict.values())
If the nodes are already sorted, this order can be preserved by adding the nodes
to the hypergraph prior to adding edges. For example,
>>> import xgi
>>> H = xgi.Hypergraph()
>>> H.add_nodes_from(range(1, 8))
>>> H.add_edges_from([[1, 2, 3, 7], [4], [5, 6, 7]])
>>> xgi.incidence_matrix(H, sparse=False)
array([[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1]])
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_array, diags
from ..exception import XGIError
from .hypergraph_matrix import adjacency_matrix, clique_motif_matrix, degree_matrix
__all__ = [
[docs]def laplacian(H, order=1, sparse=False, rescale_per_node=False, index=False):
"""Laplacian matrix of order d, see [1].
HG : Hypergraph
order : int
Order of interactions to consider. If order=1 (default),
returns the usual graph Laplacian.
sparse: bool, default: False
Specifies whether the output matrix is a scipy sparse matrix or a numpy matrix.
index: bool, default: False
Specifies whether to output disctionaries mapping the node and edge IDs to
L_d : numpy array
Array of dim (N, N)
if index is True:
return rowdict
See also
.. [1] Lucas, M., Cencetti, G., & Battiston, F. (2020).
Multiorder Laplacian for synchronization in higher-order networks.
Physical Review Research, 2(3), 033410.
A, row_dict = adjacency_matrix(
H, order=order, sparse=sparse, weighted=True, index=True
if A.shape == (0, 0):
L = csr_array((0, 0)) if sparse else np.empty((0, 0))
return (L, {}) if index else L
if sparse:
K = csr_array(diags(degree_matrix(H, order=order)))
K = np.diag(degree_matrix(H, order=order))
L = order * K - A # ravel needed to convert sparse matrix
if rescale_per_node:
L = L / order
return (L, row_dict) if index else L
[docs]def multiorder_laplacian(
H, orders, weights, sparse=False, rescale_per_node=False, index=False
"""Multiorder Laplacian matrix, see [1].
HG : Hypergraph
orders : list of int
Orders of interactions to consider.
weights: list of float
Weights associated to each order, i.e coupling strengths gamma_i in [1].
sparse: bool, default: False
Specifies whether the output matrix is a scipy sparse matrix or a numpy matrix
rescale_per_node: bool, (default=False)
Whether to rescale each Laplacian of order d by d (per node).
index: bool, default: False
Specifies whether to output dictionaries mapping the node and edge IDs to
L_multi : numpy array
Array of dim (N, N)
if index is True:
return rowdict
See also
.. [1] Lucas, M., Cencetti, G., & Battiston, F. (2020).
Multiorder Laplacian for synchronization in higher-order networks.
Physical Review Research, 2(3), 033410.
if len(orders) != len(weights):
raise ValueError("orders and weights must have the same length.")
Ls = [
laplacian(H, order=d, sparse=sparse, rescale_per_node=rescale_per_node)
for d in orders
Ks = [degree_matrix(H, order=d) for d in orders]
if sparse:
L_multi = csr_array((H.num_nodes, H.num_nodes))
L_multi = np.zeros((H.num_nodes, H.num_nodes))
for L, K, w, d in zip(Ls, Ks, weights, orders):
if np.all(K == 0):
# avoid getting nans from dividing by 0
# manually setting contribution to 0 as it should be
f"No edges of order {d}. Contribution of "
"that order is zero. Its weight is effectively zero."
L_multi += L * w / np.mean(K)
rowdict = {i: v for i, v in enumerate(H.nodes)}
return (L_multi, rowdict) if index else L_multi
[docs]def normalized_hypergraph_laplacian(H, sparse=True, index=False):
"""Compute the normalized Laplacian.
H : Hypergraph
sparse : bool, optional
whether or not the laplacian is sparse, by default True
index : bool, optional
whether to return a dictionary mapping IDs to rows, by default False
csr_array if sparse and if not, a numpy ndarray
a dictionary mapping node IDs to rows and columns
if index is True.
If there are isolated nodes.
"Learning with Hypergraphs: Clustering, Classification, and Embedding"
by Dengyong Zhou, Jiayuan Huang, Bernhard Schölkopf
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2006)
if H.nodes.isolates():
raise XGIError(
"Every node must be a member of an edge to avoid divide by zero error!"
D = degree_matrix(H)
A, rowdict = clique_motif_matrix(H, sparse=sparse, index=True)
if sparse:
Dinvsqrt = csr_array(diags(np.power(D, -0.5)))
eye = csr_array((H.num_nodes, H.num_nodes))
Dinvsqrt = np.diag(np.power(D, -0.5))
eye = np.eye(H.num_nodes)
L = 0.5 * (eye - Dinvsqrt @ A @ Dinvsqrt)
return (L, rowdict) if index else L