Source code for xgi.readwrite.json
"""Read from and write to JSON."""
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import dirname, join
from warnings import warn
from ..convert import from_hypergraph_dict, to_hypergraph_dict
from ..core import Hypergraph, SimplicialComplex
__all__ = ["write_json", "read_json"]
[docs]def write_json(H, path, collection_name=""):
A function to write a file in a standardized JSON format.
If the dataset is a collection, makes local copies of all the
datasets in the collection and a main file pointing to all of
the datasets.
H: Hypergraph object
The specified hypergraph object
path: string
The path of the file to write to. If the data is a collection,
it is the directory in which to put all the files.
collection_name : str
The name of the collection of data (if any). If `H` is not
a collection, this argument is unused.
If the node or edge IDs have conflicts after casting
to strings, e.g., node IDs "2" and 2.
warn("This function is deprecated in favor of the 'write_hif()' function")
if collection_name:
collection_name += "_"
if isinstance(H, list):
collection_data = defaultdict(dict)
for i, H in enumerate(H):
fname = f"{path}/{collection_name}{i}.json"
collection_data["datasets"][i] = {
"relative-path": f"{collection_name}{i}.json"
write_json(H, fname)
collection_data["type"] = "collection"
datastring = json.dumps(collection_data, indent=2)
with open(
f"{path}/{collection_name}collection_information.json", "w"
) as output_file:
elif isinstance(H, dict):
collection_data = defaultdict(dict)
for name, H in H.items():
fname = f"{path}/{collection_name}{name}.json"
collection_data["datasets"][name] = {
"relative-path": f"{collection_name}{name}.json"
write_json(H, fname)
collection_data["type"] = "collection"
datastring = json.dumps(collection_data, indent=2)
with open(
f"{path}/{collection_name}collection_information.json", "w"
) as output_file:
elif isinstance(H, (Hypergraph, SimplicialComplex)):
data = to_hypergraph_dict(H)
datastring = json.dumps(data, indent=2)
with open(path, "w") as output_file:
[docs]def read_json(path, nodetype=None, edgetype=None):
A function to read a file in a standardized JSON format.
data: dict
A dictionary in the hypergraph JSON format
nodetype: type, optional
type that the node IDs will be cast to
edgetype: type, optional
type that the edge IDs will be cast to
The loaded hypergraph. If the dataset chosen is a collection,
returns a dictionary of Hypergraph objects.
If the JSON is not in a format that can be loaded.
warn("This function is deprecated in favor of the 'read_hif()' function")
with open(path) as file:
jsondata = json.loads(
if "type" in jsondata and jsondata["type"] == "collection":
collection = {}
for name, data in jsondata["datasets"].items():
relpath = data["relative-path"]
H = read_json(
join(dirname(path), relpath), nodetype=nodetype, edgetype=edgetype
collection[name] = H
return collection
return from_hypergraph_dict(jsondata, nodetype=nodetype, edgetype=edgetype)