Source code for xgi.readwrite.json

"""Read from and write to JSON."""

import json
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import dirname, join
from warnings import warn

from ..convert import from_hypergraph_dict, to_hypergraph_dict
from ..core import Hypergraph, SimplicialComplex

__all__ = ["write_json", "read_json"]

[docs]def write_json(H, path, collection_name=""): """ A function to write a file in a standardized JSON format. If the dataset is a collection, makes local copies of all the datasets in the collection and a main file pointing to all of the datasets. Parameters ---------- H: Hypergraph object The specified hypergraph object path: string The path of the file to write to. If the data is a collection, it is the directory in which to put all the files. collection_name : str The name of the collection of data (if any). If `H` is not a collection, this argument is unused. Raises ------ XGIError If the node or edge IDs have conflicts after casting to strings, e.g., node IDs "2" and 2. """ warn("This function is deprecated in favor of the 'write_hif()' function") if collection_name: collection_name += "_" if isinstance(H, list): collection_data = defaultdict(dict) for i, H in enumerate(H): fname = f"{path}/{collection_name}{i}.json" collection_data["datasets"][i] = { "relative-path": f"{collection_name}{i}.json" } write_json(H, fname) collection_data["type"] = "collection" datastring = json.dumps(collection_data, indent=2) with open( f"{path}/{collection_name}collection_information.json", "w" ) as output_file: output_file.write(datastring) elif isinstance(H, dict): collection_data = defaultdict(dict) for name, H in H.items(): fname = f"{path}/{collection_name}{name}.json" collection_data["datasets"][name] = { "relative-path": f"{collection_name}{name}.json" } write_json(H, fname) collection_data["type"] = "collection" datastring = json.dumps(collection_data, indent=2) with open( f"{path}/{collection_name}collection_information.json", "w" ) as output_file: output_file.write(datastring) elif isinstance(H, (Hypergraph, SimplicialComplex)): data = to_hypergraph_dict(H) datastring = json.dumps(data, indent=2) with open(path, "w") as output_file: output_file.write(datastring)
[docs]def read_json(path, nodetype=None, edgetype=None): """ A function to read a file in a standardized JSON format. Parameters ---------- data: dict A dictionary in the hypergraph JSON format nodetype: type, optional type that the node IDs will be cast to edgetype: type, optional type that the edge IDs will be cast to Returns ------- Hypergraph The loaded hypergraph. If the dataset chosen is a collection, returns a dictionary of Hypergraph objects. Raises ------ XGIError If the JSON is not in a format that can be loaded. """ warn("This function is deprecated in favor of the 'read_hif()' function") with open(path) as file: jsondata = json.loads( if "type" in jsondata and jsondata["type"] == "collection": collection = {} for name, data in jsondata["datasets"].items(): relpath = data["relative-path"] H = read_json( join(dirname(path), relpath), nodetype=nodetype, edgetype=edgetype ) collection[name] = H return collection return from_hypergraph_dict(jsondata, nodetype=nodetype, edgetype=edgetype)