Source code for xgi.utils.utilities

"""General utilities."""

from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import chain, combinations, count

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests

from xgi.exception import IDNotFound, XGIError

__all__ = [

[docs]class IDDict(dict): """A dict that holds (node or edge) IDs. For internal use only. Adds input validation functionality to the internal dicts that hold nodes and edges in a network. """ def __getitem__(self, item): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, item) except KeyError as e: raise IDNotFound(f"ID {item} not found") from e def __setitem__(self, item, value): if item is None: raise XGIError("None cannot be a node or edge") try: return dict.__setitem__(self, item, value) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError(f"ID {item} not a valid type") from e def __delitem__(self, item): try: return dict.__delitem__(self, item) except KeyError as e: raise IDNotFound(f"ID {item} not found") from e def __add__(self, dict): d = dict.copy() d.update(self) return d
[docs]def dual_dict(edge_dict): """Given a dictionary with IDs as keys and sets as values, return the dual. Parameters ---------- edge_dict : dict A dictionary where the keys are IDs and the values are sets of hashables Returns ------- dict A dictionary with IDs as keys and sets as values, but the reverse of the original dict. Examples -------- >>> import xgi >>> xgi.dual_dict({0 : [1, 2, 3], 1 : [0, 2]}) {1: {0}, 2: {0, 1}, 3: {0}, 0: {1}} """ node_dict = defaultdict(set) for edge_id, members in edge_dict.items(): for node in members: node_dict[node].add(edge_id) return dict(node_dict)
[docs]def powerset( iterable, include_empty=False, include_full=False, include_singletons=True, max_size=None, ): """Returns all possible subsets of the elements in iterable, with options to include the empty set and the set containing all elements, and to set the maximum subset size. Parameters ---------- iterable : list-like List of elements include_empty: bool, default: False Whether to include the empty set include_singletons: bool, default: True Whether to include singletons include_full: bool, default: False Whether to include the set containing all elements of iterable max_size: int, default: None Maximum size of the returned subsets. Returns ------- itertools.chain Notes ----- include_empty overrides include_singletons if True: singletons will always be included if the empty set is. Likewise, max_size will override other arguments: if set to -1, no subset will be returned. Examples -------- >>> import xgi >>> list(xgi.powerset([1,2,3,4])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4), (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4)] """ start = 1 if include_singletons else 2 start = 0 if include_empty else start # overrides include_singletons if True s = list(iterable) if max_size is None: max_size = len(s) if include_full else len(s) - 1 else: max_size = min(max_size, len(s)) return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(start, max_size + 1))
[docs]def update_uid_counter(H, idx): """ Helper function to make sure the uid counter is set correctly after adding an edge with a user-provided ID. If we don't set the start of self._edge_uid correctly, it will start at 0, which will overwrite any existing edges when calling add_edge(). First, we use the somewhat convoluted float(e).is_integer() instead of using isinstance(e, int) because there exist integer-like numeric types (such as np.int32) which fail the isinstance() check. Parameters ---------- H : xgi.Hypergraph Hypergraph of which to update the uid counter idx : any hashable type User-provided ID. """ uid = next(H._edge_uid) if ( not isinstance(idx, str) and not isinstance(idx, tuple) and float(idx).is_integer() and uid <= idx ): # tuple comes from merging edges and doesn't have as as_integer() method. start = int(idx) + 1 # we set the start at one plus the maximum edge ID that is an integer, # because count() only yields integer IDs. else: start = uid H._edge_uid = count(start=start)
[docs]def find_triangles(G): """Returns list of 3-node cliques present in a graph Parameters ---------- G : networkx Graph Graph to consider Returns ------- list of 3-node cliques (triangles) """ triangles = set( frozenset((n, nbr, nbr2)) for n in G for nbr, nbr2 in combinations(G[n], 2) if nbr in G[nbr2] ) return [set(tri) for tri in triangles]
[docs]def min_where(dicty, where): """ Finds the minimum value of a dictonary `dicty`. The dictonary `where` indicates which keys to take into account. The minimum is eventualy infinite. Parameters ---------- dicty : dict Dictionary of values (int, float...) from which to find the minimum. where : dict Dictionary of booleans that has the same keys as `dicty`. The minimum will be searched among the values for which `where[key]` is TRUE. Return ------ min_val : float or np.inf Minimum value found in `dicty`. Is set to np.inf if `where` indicated nowhere or if all values are `np.inf`. """ min_val = np.inf for key in dicty.keys(): if where[key]: if dicty[key] < min_val: min_val = dicty[key] else: pass else: pass return min_val
[docs]def request_json_from_url(url): """HTTP request json file and return as dict. Parameters ---------- url : str The url where the json file is located. Returns ------- dict A dictionary of the JSON requested. Raises ------ XGIError If the connection fails or if there is a bad HTTP request. """ try: r = requests.get(url) except requests.ConnectionError: raise XGIError("Connection Error!") if r.ok: return r.json() else: raise XGIError(f"Error: HTTP response {r.status_code}")
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def request_json_from_url_cached(url): """HTTP request json file and return as dict. Parameters ---------- url : str The url where the json file is located. Returns ------- dict A dictionary of the JSON requested. Raises ------ XGIError If the connection fails or if there is a bad HTTP request. """ try: r = requests.get(url) except requests.ConnectionError: raise XGIError("Connection Error!") if r.ok: return r.json() else: raise XGIError(f"Error: HTTP response {r.status_code}")
[docs]def subfaces(edges, order=None): """Returns the subfaces of a list of hyperedges Parameters --------- edges: list of edges Edges to consider, as tuples of nodes order: {None, -1, int}, optional If None, compute subfaces recursively down to nodes. If -1, compute subfaces the order below (e.g. edges for a triangle). If d > 0, compute the subfaces of order d. By default, None. Returns ------- faces: list of sets List of hyperedges that are subfaces of input hyperedges. Raises ------ XGIError Raises error when order is larger than the max order of input edges Notes ----- Hyperedges in the returned list are not unique, they may appear more than once if they are subfaces or more than one edge from the input edges. Examples -------- >>> import xgi >>> edges = [{1,2,3,4}, {3,4,5}] >>> xgi.subfaces(edges) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4), (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4), (3,), (4,), (5,), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5)] >>> xgi.subfaces(edges, order=-1) [(1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5)] >>> xgi.subfaces(edges, order=2) [(1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4), (3, 4, 5)] """ max_order = len(max(edges, key=len)) - 1 if order and order > max_order: raise XGIError( "order must be less or equal to the maximum " f"order among the edges: {max_order}." ) faces = [] for edge in edges: size = len(edge) if size <= 1: # down from a node is an empty tuple continue if order is None: # add all subfaces down to nodes faces_to_add = list(powerset(edge)) elif order == -1: # add subfaces of order below faces_to_add = list(combinations(edge, size - 1)) elif order >= 0: # add subfaces of order d faces_to_add = list(combinations(edge, order + 1)) faces += faces_to_add return faces
[docs]def convert_labels_to_integers(net, label_attribute="label", in_place=False): """Relabel node and edge IDs to be sequential integers. Parameters ---------- net : Hypergraph, DiHypergraph, or SimplicialComplex The higher-order network of interest label_attribute : string, default: "label" The attribute name that stores the old node and edge labels in_place : bool, optional Whether the relabeling should modify the network in-place or return a new network. Returns ------- Hypergraph, DiHypergraph, or SimplicialComplex A new higher-order network with nodes and edges with sequential IDs starting at 0. The old IDs are stored in the "label" attribute for both nodes and edges. Notes ----- The "relabeling" will occur even if the node/edge IDs are sequential. Because the old IDs are stored in the "label" attribute for both nodes and edges, the old "label" values (if they exist) will be overwritten. """ from ..core import DiHypergraph, Hypergraph, SimplicialComplex node_dict = dict(zip(net.nodes, range(net.num_nodes))) edge_dict = dict(zip(net.edges, range(net.num_edges))) if not in_place: net = net.copy() node_attrs = net._node_attr.copy() edge_attrs = net._edge_attr.copy() edges = net._edge.copy() net.clear(remove_net_attr=False) net.add_nodes_from((idx, deepcopy(node_attrs[n])) for n, idx in node_dict.items()) net.set_node_attributes({idx: {label_attribute: n} for n, idx in node_dict.items()}) if isinstance(net, SimplicialComplex): net.add_simplices_from( ( {node_dict[n] for n in edge}, edge_dict[e], deepcopy(edge_attrs[e]), ) for e, edge in edges.items() ) elif isinstance(net, Hypergraph): net.add_edges_from( ( {node_dict[n] for n in edge}, edge_dict[e], deepcopy(edge_attrs[e]), ) for e, edge in edges.items() ) elif isinstance(net, DiHypergraph): net.add_edges_from( ( [ {node_dict[n] for n in edge["in"]}, {node_dict[n] for n in edge["out"]}, ], edge_dict[e], deepcopy(edge_attrs[e]), ) for e, edge in edges.items() ) net.set_edge_attributes({idx: {label_attribute: e} for e, idx in edge_dict.items()}) if not in_place: return net
[docs]def hist(vals, bins=10, bin_edges=False, density=False, log_binning=False): """Return the distribution of a numpy array. Parameters ---------- vals : numpy.ndarray The array of values bins : int, list, or numpy.ndarray The number of bins or the bin edges. By default, 10. bin_edges : bool Whether to also output the min and max of each bin, by default, False. density : bool Whether to normalize the resulting distribution. By default, False. log_binning : bool Whether to bin the values with log-sized bins. By default, False. Returns ------- ~pandas.DataFrame A two-column table with "bin_center" and "value" columns, where "value" is a count or a probability. If `bin_edges` is True, outputs two additional columns, `bin_lo` and `bin_hi`, which outputs the left and right bin edges respectively. Notes ----- Originally from """ # We need to define the support of our distribution lower_bound = np.min(vals) upper_bound = np.max(vals) if log_binning: lower_bound = np.log10(lower_bound) if lower_bound > 0 else 0.0 upper_bound = np.log10(upper_bound) # And the bins if isinstance(bins, int): if log_binning: bins = np.logspace(lower_bound, upper_bound, bins + 1, base=10) else: bins = np.linspace(lower_bound, upper_bound, bins + 1) elif not isinstance(bins, (list, np.ndarray)): raise XGIError("Bins must be an integer, a list, or a numpy array.") # Then we can compute the histogram using numpy y, __ = np.histogram(vals, bins=bins, density=density) # Now, we need to compute for each y the bin centers x = bins[1:] - np.diff(bins) / 2.0 if bin_edges: return pd.DataFrame.from_dict( {"bin_center": x, "value": y, "bin_lo": bins[:-1], "bin_hi": bins[1:]} ) else: return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"bin_center": x, "value": y})
def binomial_sequence(k, N): """Returns the set of all the distinct strings (order counts) with k ones and N-k zeros. binomial_sequence(2, 4) will output '1010', '1100', '0011', '0110', '0101' and '1001'. Parameters ---------- k : int Number of ones in the strings. Must be greater or equal to zero. N : int Length of the strings. Must be positive as well. Returns ------- res : set Set containing all the strings (they are distinct). The empty set is returned if N = 0 or if k > N. """ if k < 0 or N < 0: raise ValueError("binomial_sequence must be given positive integers.") res = set() if k == 0: # seq = str() # for i in range(N): # seq += "0" # res.add(seq) res = {"0" * N} elif N == 0: pass else: # k and N are greater than zero for seq in binomial_sequence(k, N - 1): res.add(seq + "0") for seq in binomial_sequence(k - 1, N - 1): res.add(seq + "1") return res def get_network_type(H): return str(type(H)).split(".")[-1].split("'")[0].lower()