Basic hypergraph functionality

This tutorial will give a brief introduction to using the XGI library to construct hypergraphs and perform basic operations on them.

import random

import numpy as np

import xgi

Loading hypergraphs from different formats

We handle loading hypergraphs in many different formats, but the hypergraph constructor takes five main data formats: * A Hypergraph object * A hyperedge list * A hyperedge dictionary * A 2-column pandas dataframe specifying (node, edge) bipartite edges * An incidence matrix (A Numpy or Scipy matrix)

n = 1000
m = 1000

min_edge_size = 2
max_edge_size = 25

# hyperedge list
hyperedge_list = [
    random.sample(range(n), random.choice(range(min_edge_size, max_edge_size + 1)))
    for i in range(m)

# hyperedge dict
hyperedge_dict = {
    i: random.sample(range(n), random.choice(range(min_edge_size, max_edge_size + 1)))
    for i in range(m)

# pandas dataframe
df = xgi.to_bipartite_pandas_dataframe(xgi.load_xgi_data("email-enron"))

# incidence matrix
incidence_matrix = np.random.randint(0, high=2, size=(n, m), dtype=int)

Loading a hyperedge list

When a user gives a hyperedge list, the system automatically creates system edge IDs.

H = xgi.Hypergraph(hyperedge_list)
print(f"The hypergraph has {H.num_nodes} nodes and {H.num_edges} edges")
The hypergraph has 1000 nodes and 1000 edges

Loading a hyperedge dictionary

When a user gives a hyperedge dictionary, the system uses the edge IDs specified in the dictionary.

H = xgi.Hypergraph(hyperedge_dict)
print(f"The hypergraph has {H.num_nodes} nodes and {H.num_edges} edges")
The hypergraph has 1000 nodes and 1000 edges

Loading an incidence matrix

When a user gives an incidence matrix, the system transforms the non-zero entries into lists of rows and columns specifying a bipartite edge list.

H = xgi.Hypergraph(incidence_matrix)
print(f"The hypergraph has {H.num_nodes} nodes and {H.num_edges} edges")
The hypergraph has 1000 nodes and 1000 edges

Loading a Pandas dataframe

When a user gives a Pandas dataframe, the system automatically imports the first two columns as lists of node and edge indices specifying a bipartite edge list.

H = xgi.Hypergraph(df)
print(f"The hypergraph has {H.num_nodes} nodes and {H.num_edges} edges")
The hypergraph has 143 nodes and 10885 edges

Simple functions

The Hypergraph class can do simple things like * output an incidence matrix * output the adjacency matrix for s-connectedness * output the dual of the hypergraph * find if the hypergraph is connected

Output relevant matrices

# The incidence matrix
I = xgi.incidence_matrix(H, sparse=True)
# The adjacency matrix
A = xgi.adjacency_matrix(H)
# The clique motif matrix
W = xgi.clique_motif_matrix(H)

Forming the dual

D = H.dual()

Testing whether the hypergraph is connected

n = 1000
m = 100

min_edge_size = 2
max_edge_size = 10

# hyperedge list
hyperedge_list = [
    random.sample(range(n), random.choice(range(min_edge_size, max_edge_size + 1)))
    for i in range(m)
H = xgi.Hypergraph(hyperedge_list)
is_connected = xgi.is_connected(H)
if is_connected:
    print(f"H is connected")
    print(f"H is not connected")

print(f"The sizes of the connected components are:")
print([len(component) for component in xgi.connected_components(H)])

node = np.random.choice(H.nodes)
    f"The size of the component containing node {node} is {len(xgi.node_connected_component(H, node))}"
H is not connected
The sizes of the connected components are:
[438, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4]
The size of the component containing node 713 is 438

Constructing subhypergraphs

A subhypergraph can be induced by a node subset, an edge subset, or an arbitrary combination of both. These examples are presented below.

# A subhypergraph induced on nodes
node_subhypergraph = xgi.subhypergraph(H, nodes=list(range(100)))
# A subhypergraph induced on edges
edge_subhypergraph = xgi.subhypergraph(H, edges=list(range(100)))
# A subhypergraph induced on both nodes and edges
arbitrary_subhypergraph = xgi.subhypergraph(
    H, nodes=list(range(100)), edges=list(range(100))

Converting to other formats

Below are examples showing how to convert a hypergraph to a hyperedge list, a hyperedge dict, or an incidence matrix.

# Convert to a hyperedge list
h_list = xgi.to_hyperedge_list(H)
# Convert to a hyperedge dict
h_dict = xgi.to_hyperedge_dict(H)
# Convert to an incidence matrix
h_I = xgi.to_incidence_matrix(H)
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